I'm not sure I would want that technology in the garage. From their manual in the safety section regarding actions to be taken in the event of injury :
Injuries caused by high pressure waterjets can be serious. In the event of any waterjet injury the Waterjet Technology Association recommends:
Seek medical attention immediately. Do NOT delay!
Inform the doctor of the injury.
Tell the physician what type of waterjet project was being performed at the time of the accident and the
source of the water and the materials involved.
Inform the physician of the following information:
This patient may be suffering from a waterjet injury.
Evaluation and management should parallel that of a gunshot injury.
The external manifestations of the injury cannot be used to predict the extent of internal damage.
Initial management should include stabilization and a thorough neurovascular examination.
X-Rays can be used to assess subcutaneous air and foreign bodies distant from the site of injury.
Injuries to the extremities can involve extensive nerve, muscle, vessel damage, as well as cause a distal
compartment syndrome.
Injuries to the torso can involve internal organ damage. Surgical consultation should be obtained.
Aggressive irrigation and debridement is recommended.
Surgical decompression and exploration may also be necessary.
Angiographic studies are recommended pre-operatively if arterial injury is suspected.
Bandages with a hygroscopic solution (MgSo4) and hyperbaric oxygen treatment have been used as
adjunctive therapy to decrease pain, edema, and subcutaneous emphysema.
Unusual infections with uncommon organisms in immunocompotent patients have been seen; the
source of the water is important in deciding on initial, empiric antibiotic treatment, and broad-spectrum
intravenous antibiotics should be administered.
Cultures should be obtained.
For your convenience, we have also included a wallet sized laminated medical alert card in the pouch of this printed User Manual. This card contains the above injury treatment information per the Waterjet Technology Association’s recommendation. We recommend users of the machine carry this card. Additional copies of this card can be attained by contacting WAZER Customer Support.
Bacteria can build up in the standing water of the Tank. Any injuries or cuts, even minor ones, should be treated with caution. If you have open wounds avoid contact with the water or wear gloves that do not expose you to the Tank water.
This doesn't go as far as a former customer of mine who operated such a machine suggested – he stated that in the event of a cut the affected area had to be amputated two joints back from the site of the injury as a matter of course. His operators also carried a card for information of medical practioners in the event of an accident.
I would rather pay a specialist to produce parts than mess with one of these. I note that they don't give an indication of the cost of rebuilding the high pressure pump, the most expensive ongoing cost outside consumables like nozzles & abrasive IIRC.
Nigel B