George, I looked into this 10 years ago, and located a supplier of bespoke glass sections, but it was crazily expensive. I had some offcuts of 3mm thick Lexan, and made tops and bottoms from brass with an 1/8″ groove for the lexan pieces, and used 4mm brass round for the corner pillars, and chamfered the Lexan pieces to suit. It works fine, they do get scratched, and seem to attract dust, but I wash them every so often, and replace them when they get too bad, and they are free. I embedded small magnets in the backs of the tops and bottoms, and then I made some steel backing plates, and made some black and white chevrons, laminated them, and stuck them to the backing plates. These help see the water level, they last a couple of seasons, but I printed an A4 page of chevrons, so have plenty of spares.
Chris Gunn