A fair few years ago,across the pond, a company pressed out truck bumpers with a big press. They had several accidents, with people hurt, fines levied and refused to pay. Things slid along and finally another set of fatalities occurred. They made 2 maintenance men crawl in the press with no lock out or tag out used. They put a railroad tie in it and that was all. Someone hit the switch and the rest of the factory had to listen to 2 men get flattened. Last I heard the Company refused to shut down or pay fines, it dropped from the public news.
Another one from where Myself and the wife used to work. Company made a work lane right next to the Womans rest room door. Some one walked out and was run over and killed with a fork lift. Company did not call police to report it for 2 days. Evidence removed everything cleaned up. They would not even pay for burial even though Employees had insurance there. Family took it to court and got nothing. Fork lift parked over body for a day or two. Don’t see how someone did not post pictures or take it to police privately.