My first lathe was an Embo V10P, a bit bigger than the Myford, but as good a quality, and I was happy except for the single phase motor and geared head that made me wince when switching on and off.
My present lathe is a 2nd hand Warco BH600G, bought in 2008, huge in comparison to the two mentioned, but just as accurate!
It won't win any Catwalk competition BUT it does exactly what I want it to do, at the accuracy I need.
Having fitted a Newton-Tesla VFD, QC tool holder and the 'clutch', it is an absolute pleasure to use.
I would not hesitate in recommending a Warco (the usual), and if new you have a 'Fit for Purpose' guarantee.
Plus they all come with VFD as standard now, and that's something I would not now be without, as it transformed my lathe.
Geoff – Thank you SwiftKey for bringing sanity back when typing