Don't forget parting-off has always been notoriously difficult on small lathes!
Trouble is any movement in the wrong direction when parting-off is instantly punished, and small lathes aren't particularly rigid. I believe the DM180 is a WM180 fitted with a DRO. If so, it's a small lathe – don't expect miracles.
The best answer is to buy a big lathe, the sturdier the better. Otherwise, do everything in your power to improve rigidity.
- Part-off from a solid rear-mounted tool-post, not the towering cross-slide and front tool-post, which is bendy.
- Minimise tool overhang.
- Make sure the cutter is in good condition, is mounted absolutely square to the job and at exactly the right height.
- Lock everything that can be locked.
Then, do all the things an experienced operator does, and don't make any mistakes.
- Set RPM to optimum speed (perhaps half normal)
- Lubricate generously
- Make sure the slot never becomes choked with swarf, and Aluminium isn't welding itself to the cutter.
- Resharpen the cutter as soon as it needs it.
- Feed the cutter smoothly into the work at the optimum rate, not too fast, but never allowing the edge to rub: it must cut continuously Smooth feeding is vital: any hint of jerky hand action is liable to cause trouble. Use the lathe's power-feed if it has one.
- React quickly and in the right way to trouble – this only comes with practice.
I started with a mini-lathe. Mine parted brass OK with a narrow sharp HSS cutter, but was unreliable in my clumsy paws parting anything else. Not impossible, just needed a lot of care and had a high failure rate. On my mini-lathe it was easier for me to saw off and tidy up rather than part-off. I'm sure a skilled operator would do better than I did! (Sadly, I'm not a gifted machinist – slow, cack-handed and make silly mistakes.) I'd expect a WM180 to be markedly better at parting-off than a mini-lathe, but still tricky.
I upgraded to a WM280 because the mini-lathe was a shade too small for most of the work I do. The much bigger WM280 parts-off fairly reliably from the front tool-post and is almost idiot-proof parting off with power feed from a massive rear tool-post. Even so, the WM280 isn't beefy by industrial standards. One I know of has much the same cutting envelope as a WM280 but is three times heavier. The industrial machine is much stiffer, which means the operator has less to worry about. Operators of lighter machines have to compensate for it's shortcomings.
The need to substitute time and skill for muscle is generally true of most Model Engineers. Due to lack of space and money most of us have smaller workshops and tools than ideal. It can be frustrating. However, as a hobby, surely some of the fun is succeeding with whatever tools happen to be available…

Edited By SillyOldDuffer on 04/01/2022 10:27:35