Thanks everyone for the replies,
But the fun continues……Spent a few hours yesterday trying to sort this problem out still going round in circles, although with the few pointers on the forum I seem to making some progress.
I’ve installed this 1.5hp motor from my milling machine and seem still to be having problmes. I investigated it further yesterday (how many times can I take a motor on and off the machine???)
I checked the pulley alignments and they seem ok at least no worse than before. I was still concerned about the belts so I got them to what I felt was right and marked across the belts to see if they where slipping. As I guessed they where slipping so I further tightened these.
This is where the fun really begins. Before I installed the belts I worked through all the sppeds on the machine checking I could hand move on each speed by hand. As you will all know its easier to turn on some speeds more difficult on others because of the gearing.
Video hand movement of drive.
Pic below shows the speed ranges.
Now with is the weird one. I thought I’d start at speed A1 then A2 etc. Just to make sure each speed setting had the same problem. The machine seems to be ok on the lower speeds its the higer 1000rpm plus that seem to be a problem.
Now the only thing I can think of is that I changed a spindle bearing and at the same time changed the headstock oil. The new oil I put in way a higher weight and viscocity. What I took out was quite watery and the new was much thicker. I’m thinking that its too thick this is why the motor keeps having problmes at the higher speeds? What weight / viscoity of oil should I be using in the headstock? Any particular product?
I also blow the capacitor on this 1.5hp motor I’m guessing it doesn’t really like the “searching for speed in the motor?”
Anyone with anymore ideas?
Thanks again,
Edited By Anthony Salisbury on 30/12/2010 14:01:11