Quick update on my investigation so far.
I removed the saddle and apron to check for any bent, damaged or just badly fitted parts -all appeared OK.
After giving all the parts a clean i have then started to rebuild and check the fit of parts along the way.
The first issue was leadscrew alignment – it was 0.5mm lower at the tailstock and 0.5mm further out from the bed. With the saddle fitted i found that the height of the screw at the tailstock was correct but the spacing out from the bed was not.
With the saddle at the headstock the screw is very hard to turn and heavily in contact with the guide holes in the saddle. So to rectify this the leadscrew gearbox must be lowered.
So i have dismantled to remove the gearbox and found that its adjustment was restricted to nothing because of one corner clashing with a radius on the bed casting – infact the screws would only just align and were really under pressure to insert. The next stage is to radius the offending edge and hopefully i will be able to lower by the required 0.5mm and stop the leadscrew jamming with the saddle.
I believe because of this miss-alignment the small concentricity errors of the leadscrew have been raising the saddle slightly with each revolution and given the surface finish effect that i have suffered. The saddle is not completely restrained on the front way and largely relies on tool pressure to keep it down on the vee.
One other small point, the key on the feed drive screw was sticking out slightly on the end that would be pulling against the saddle during motion, i think this gave the 'bump' that i noticed as it knocked against a gap in the casting.
When i'm done i will post photos, i'm sure that will explain all.
Oh and TBoy, you are correct it is leaking more from the leadscrew direction control than anywhere else.
And on the point of oil leaks – on several places i have found that small tapped holes are drilled through – remove the screw and oil pisses out! Annoying, i might try and fit some short grub screws to plug these up and save future mess.
Annoying that this needs to be done but good to strip clean and learn the machine. I will feel happy too if it fixes my issue. The only part i haven't opened yet is the main gearbox.
I hope i haven't hyjacked the original thread here too much but its all good info on the GH600. If i get this surface finish sorted then i will be really happy with the machine – its nice to work on and a really good size, very neat.