Wankel rotary


Wankel rotary

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    Mike Lightfoot
      Mike Lightfoot

        Hi, hope this is in the right place but it is IC has anyone built a model ( or small) Wankel rotary? Or know of any plans for one? Cheers



          I have no idea if there are plans and castings for such. But O.S. did produce commercially a .30 sized one for aeromodellers with deep pockets in the late 70's / 80's so the principle must work on a smaller scale quite well.

          Here is a parts list. **LINK**

          And a pic of one :-

          And a few facts. http://modelenginenews.org/drj/os_wankel.html



          Edited By Nick_G on 28/11/2015 18:36:02

          Thor 🇳🇴

            Hi Mike,

            Warren Wickery built one, see here. There are some drawings here, don't know if they are of any help.


            John P

              Hi Mike,

              There are a full set of drawings in the the Aero Modeller

              annual book 1970-71 on page 64. Described as

              Polish 10cc Epitrochoidal engine data by Julian Faleciki.

              The drawings are very detailed on 6 A5 size pages.

              If you send me a PM with your email i will copy them

              and send them to you.


              Mike Lightfoot

                This is a brill forum thanks all for your very fast answers cheers Mike

                Geoff Theasby


                  I take issue with the statement in your URL. Felix Wankel did not invent the concept of the engine named after him. It stemmed from a 19th Century steam engine design, and an IC engine design was produced in Edwardian Keighley by a man called Umpleby with the help of Alfred Scott (Of motorcycle fame) of Bradford in making the hardware. There is a prototype in Keighley museum. As with later attempts, the rotor tip seals proved inadequate.


                  Tim Stevens

                    The sealing problem hung round the neck of the engine just as the (alleged) heavy steering of the MGC did, well after it had been sorted.

                    The more recent versions made by eg Suzuki had carbide rotor seals with clever end fittings that seemed to do the job. The main reason (I think) for the lack of marketing success was that the major advantage of freedom from vibration had already been overcome by other means (even for parallel twins). It did not help in the Suzuki example that the whole machine was designed to look obviously different, and this did not appeal to many purchasers. In style terms you can only go so far in the direction of 'odd' without putting people off.

                    It did not help, either, that the exhaust smoked and smelled, or that neither owners nor dealers understood what the differences were or how to service them, until after the word had got round that they were not a good buy.

                    Regards, Tim

                    Neil Wyatt

                      My dark secret – I had an RX7 for a time

                      The seals were on the way out, but it just made it hard to start. Even though it wasn't the turbo version the second hand guides description of 'rotary powered rocket ship' was pretty accurate.

                      It was so smooth running it had a 'beeper' to warn you if you were over-revving – used to scare the life out of passengers!

                      I didn't have it long, I discovered the bonnet catch was faulty when it folded over the top of the windscreen as I accelerated onto the motorway. Driving at <redacted> mph with your head pout of the window and trying to get across three lanes of traffic is… exciting…



                        Here is a Norton Wankel rotary engine turbocharged streamliner that's the first official ACU national record motorcycle to do over 200mph


                        Alex McFadzean latest creation is a gas turbine wheel drive motorcycle.

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