Vintage Autocad book


Vintage Autocad book

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  • #770197
    Michael Gilligan

      I downloaded this from the University Library yesterday, and although it is ancient I plan to work my way through the exercises:

      Unfortunately, of course, my download does not include the accompanying disk !

      Does anyone have a source for that ?


      Michael Gilligan


        Nick Wheeler

          So you’re going to use incomplete tutorials to design PCBs in a different and really old program?


          How is that going to help you?

            On Nick Wheeler Said:

            So you’re going to use incomplete tutorials to design PCBs in a different and really old program?

            If we replace “PCBs” in the above phrase with “Martin Evans’ plans”, we have a reasonable description of the Model Engineering hobby, about which we are all gathered here today.

            I am not sure you make any useful contribution by questioning the use people make of their own time.

            Andy Stopford

              If you’re thinking of designing PCBs to be made by one of the Chinese board makers, Michael, I think you’ll find it much easier to download a dedicated Schematic/PCB design program.

              KiCAD* is free, does all you want, and will spit out gerber files that a the board makers’ machinery can understand (some of them, like Elecrow, give specific instructions for the correct KiCAD settings).

              *And it’s partly developed by CERN, so it’s automatically cool.

              duncan webster 1

                I use the freebie from RS, but no doubt Michael has his reasons for doing it his way.

                Michael Gilligan


                  DC31k answers you well

                  But just to elaborate:

                  BECAUSE IT INTERESTS ME

                  It so happens that I was a very early adopter of Autocad, and this will just be a little trip into nostalgia.

                  Please … You play with your toys and let me play with mine.


                  Martin Connelly

                    I have an old magazine cover CD with some electronic symbol dwg files if they are of interest to you.

                    Martin C

                    Michael Gilligan

                      Thanks, Martin … I may take you up on that if I can’t get hold of the disk that accompanied the book.


                      John Hinkley

                        Having just watched the latest Clough42 YouTube video, it brought to my attention that Fusion 360 (free version) gives access to a PCB design feature under the Design –> Create menu, if you don’t mind a bit more of a learning experience for no outlay.  I’ve not tried it as I have no ability or intentions in that direction, but it may offer an alternative solution to someone.



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