Hello all, small progress on the Howitzer build does not look like much but it's been one step forward and three backwards, the hole on the inner of trail in the pictures below took quiet few times to get close to it looking like it does in the pictures, just a drill hole in the metal didn't look right so tried rounding the hole with a hammer and a bit of heat which came out even worst and distorted the part, so came up with a sort of combination on dies knocked up in the lathe which stretched the plate a small bit at the time cold , so loads of hours spent and the result was worth it i think. Neil i did reshape the towing hook with heat and it looks a hole lot better thanks.
Edited By mal webber on 18/02/2019 23:56:43
Edited By mal webber on 18/02/2019 23:57:21
Edited By mal webber on 18/02/2019 23:58:01
Edited By mal webber on 18/02/2019 23:58:33