Posted by Bountyboy on 09/06/2021 15:18:26:
Hello Roger,
I’m about to restore a Record No 5 vice myself and I found your video very useful. I also liked your under bench storage, I wondering where you obtained it from and was it very costly?
Hi Paul,
Thanks for that, its worth posting if one person found it useful.
BIGDUG drawers and workbenches (scroll down and following page)
The drawers are BiGDUG own brand, they are rather expensive, especially when you buy three with loads of drawers, but good value compared to the other brands available and they seem to be well made. I bought them individually, as I already planned to build the bench with material I already had, to a length longer than BiGUDG's worktops.
For some reason BiGDUG don't seem to list them individually any more, they do have the slightly more expensive Euroslide units.
For me its an investment for a lifetime, like buying a machine tool, strong metal drawers will last a very long time indeed.
Something I didn't realise is the volume of the drawers and the kit you can fit in. Each 100mm drawer is like a toolbox, each thin drawer holds a socket set plus loads of bits. Its a lot more efficient than a cupboard.