VFD boxes are consumable devices. In particular the capacitors lead a very hard life. Real VFD rated capacitors are not cheap. Lesser types may last for a while but they will fail. The power electronics work hard too.
Inexpensive import boxes are built down to a price so capacitors will be skimped on and power electronics devices specified with little margin for overload. The drive programs will be generic and, probably, not exceptionally efficient which doesn't help component life.
For folk like us putting the box to relatively intermittent use and, generally, running well within its capabilities the $64,000 question will we put enough hours on it for it to go pop! Industrial rated boxes built to run 24/7 for 5 or 10 years will be overkill. But 10 hours a week, which is a lot of spindle time for most of us, is only 500 hours a year so getting 5,000 hour life from a cheap box would do fine for most of us.
Certainly don't cheap out on a compressor drive tho'. Even a Hydrovane has hefty start up loads.
I can afford the name brand premium so buy from IDS. Folk with shallower pockets have less choice. The worst thing about low end unbranded via E-Bay et al is that the actual source is unknown. Suppliers just buy boxes and may have lucked into some better end ones several years back but this years ones may not be so good. No way to know. Most of the really cheap boxes are built via production line rejects from Chinese brand makes. Rejects from a 24/7 long life line will still be more than up for our use. Further down the scale? Who knows?