“The electrical noise can sometimes be reduced by sheilding all the wiring including the control wiring. There can even be problems with different potentials in the earthing circuit.”
Yes, this is what I’m finding. The wiring for the analogue speed control is shielded, but if I earth the shielding the spindle speed drops by about 15%! To be honest, and having tried many combinations of shielding and earthing/not earthing I don’t think it will ever run at exactly the speed that Mach4 commands – I’ve settled on a sort of ‘near-enough is good enough’ setup for the moment and will probably end up replacing the Huanyang for something from Japan or Germany.
I’ve had a go at setting up modbus and rs485 for the speed control, but Huanyang vfd’s don’t use the accepted modbus standards so I’ve got nowhere with it so far, added to which I’m well outside my comfort zone with that sort of stuff.
Edited By Steve Pavey on 01/02/2021 20:25:07