'have made installing smaller VFDs practical for folk with little specialist experience'
Don't mean to sound elitist, but that's why we have 'qualified' electricians. I went to work as a leader in a multi skilled taskforce for one of the Diagio outfits. I found quickly that electrical craftsmen moved quickly from one discipline to another, but mostly the mechanical guys had an inherent fear of what they couldn't see.
Healthy fear in my eyes – I have had brain jolting shocks, mostly from others carelessness, the worst being a factory foreman who came in and switched all of the machinery on to start the day, whilst I had a 'DO NOT TOUCH' notice pinned right in front of him – I got such a belt from 440V that I shouted out – very loud – involuntarily – yes, lucky me – I didn't die!
But let us not stop there, for have we not given the village idiot mobility, issuing driving licences willy nilly – most people could not tell you what the highway code is, never mind individual parking rules – but you're right, I digress – the point is that all of these devices have manuals with pages of health and safety and restrictions, before the technical stuff starts – electricity is not measured in thousandths of inches or millimetres – it is a silent invisible killer.
Dave, (I'm sorry to bring this up after such a happy ending), Fife.