I am fully aware of the 'you only get what you pay for' expression relating to purchasing cheap tools and equipment. I recently bought a VFD off Amazon mainly because I needed it quickly and my order placed very late in the afternoon arrived noon the next day. I could have got one from one of the respected well known UK suppliers but I imagine the lateness of me phoning them and the cost of next day delivery (even if it was possible to arrange) would be at a significantly higher cost than the Chinese cheapie now driving my lathe. (It cost £64 for a 2.2KW unit)
There is a downside to this bargain VFD, Its not quite plug and play!
Documentation accompanying many Chinese manufactured products has for a long time been known to be of poor quality, typically bad translation with spelling mistakes and often serious error and omissions. This VFD came with a small stapled booklet which is virtually all text (well tables of all the parameters etc) plus three diagrams, one of which is this one,
I've done my best to enhance the contrast and fit the image to the available resolution on this site. The diagram seems to have been printed in grey and black ink with scant regard to registration and even less regard for accuracy.
Unusually there is not the usual 'quick install' or wiring guide and no views of the physical terminal blocks so the unsuspecting end user is left to their own devices. Being accustomed to VFD's in general I was able to connect the mains input and the three motor phases so was soon able to run the motor with the VFDs own panel. The fun starts when one wants to connect a remote pendant when the supplied diagram is not much help.
I was able to work out and get the remote controls operating and have no complaints about my purchase now but I just wanted to point out to anyone on here that its sometimes spending a little more (probably double in my care) to get a recognised brand of product that comes with support.
Ian P
Edit, apologies for somehow inserting the image twice
Edited By Ian P on 12/04/2023 17:34:49