The Kenyon engine has part that they believe are from a NE winding engine it was bought by a thrifty Yorkshire man about 1910 and installed in a mil in Huddersfield which it powered for many years before being scrapped and abandoned in a field before the Bolton Lads rescued it. It's an engine that fascinates me on my visits to the museum.
I've had quite a few attempts at drawing it but never been quite happy with the results, and this very much simplified version will be a long way off from being called a model Kenyon engine but it should show the Phineas Crowther parallel motion off well and I have a few ideas on blinging it up.
As for the parallel motion linkage one thing that I missed until Neil Carney, Diane's Dad Pointed it out, is that the cross link are at the 90deg position when the engine is 2/3 from top dead centre, as shown in the front view drawing, I thought it was mid point. If you watch the engine under power you can see this but it isn't obvious.