Posted by Bezzer on 12/01/2023 23:16:33:
My real hate is/was is "There's no I in team". When it came out years ago in the early days of corporate speak I got the instructor at a refresher course I was on spluttering for an answer when I piped up "But there is me in it". Had to use that a few more times since then.
You could also use 'the several in pontificating idiot make up for it.'
Our written assessment of the course was that we considered it insulting that a series of tiresome cliches was supposed to be both educational and motivational. The facilitator(another management w*nk-word) reported us for being obstructive. Which was a surprise, because it was first time he'd used a complex word correctly….
Edited By SillyOldDuffer on 13/01/2023 12:14:13