Having spent a large part of my life in the trade running my own business though as the world went electronic I moved into other areas of engineering !
Some scams to watch for, changing spark plugs, brake pads and discs, shock absorbers, tyres, all often tighed into other work. Doing a bit of homework eg Know the minimum thickness of discs, and having at least a basic idea of things will often stump conmen. ALWAYS ASK FOR ANY REMOVED PARTS and point out that you will query the bill if their not available.
One thing one doesn’t so often hear of is the changing of brake fluid, recommended every 3 years ! Often put forward as the reason for unexplained crashes, some fatal when brakes would suddenly fail, only on inspection to work fine ! I only came across one case in my work, a Range Rover, after 15 miles, at a roundabout, no brakes ! Elderly driver, who had his head screwed on and went for the hand brake, in this case a shaft brake ! Drove home VERY carefully then found the brakes worked fine ! CAUSE ! NORMAL Brake fluid will absorb moisture. In this case the front N/S caliper was dragging just a touch and over the 15 miles had heated up, boiling the water/moisture to steam in the fluid – a compressable gas- = no brakes ! As the system cools the moisture is reabsorbed and the brakes work fine again ! There is a cure from new BUT this would involve the manufacturers in cost ! Normal DOT 3 or 4 fluid is glycol based and is hygroscopic ! silicone fuid does not have this tendency but is much more expenseve !
Having an MOT does NOT absolve you from the requirement for the vehicle to be in roadworthy condition AT ALL TIMES ! Though it does reduce the likelyhood of you being stopped.
Ah well, better light the fire ! Noel.