Unfortunately when the traditional business model fails you will lose professionally produced magazines and along with everyone else.
So where does Readly come in to the traditional periodical publishing business model, Neil ?
I don't mean that in a provocative way, just interested. Some of the larger publishing houses appear to support it (like Bauer & Archant for instance). Not just the latest issue available, but a couple of years worth of back issues for most titles as well – all for £8(ish) a month. MTM noticably absent at the moment, along with Mortons (motorcycle magazines), but this may change ?
I took out a trail subscrpition with their "Black Friday" deal of £1.99 for 2 months & will continue with it – I get to read most of the British & Continental motorcycle magazines I normally bought the odd issue of + have found others I didn't know about before. Plus the airgun & shooting mags I used to subscribe to & I have a had a brief look at some german ME mags – and there are thousands more to choose from.
Is this a way forward ? I would concede that the tablet reading experience is harder on the eyes than paper, but the ability to download issues to the tablet to read off line is very convenient & has it got me to read titles I had lapsed subscritions on, re-introduced me foreign magzines I used to buy ad hoc but dropped due to the cost, introduced titles that were otherwise unkown or unavailable or of insufficient direct interest to buy regularly.
It used to be bandied about that publishers made the bulk of their money from advertisers & that the cover price just covered the printing & distribution costs. I don't know if that is true or not, but if the goal is to get as many people to read the magazines to attract the advertisers, then a more modern distribution model like Readly may help save the day ?
Nigel B