*I've been whiling away the progression of a never ending cold by reading my newly acquired ME backnumbers. In April 1945 ETW tells us that the springs for his 15cc Kiwi are: 18SWG, 5/16" ID, 6 coils in 3/4". He gives the impression that these were just a best guess but they seem to work. I'm a bit surprised because he usually got Dennis Chaddock to do hisdifficult sums.*
"I am often severely rapped by readers for neglecting to give details of valve springs, but it is difficult to specify essential dimensions, because ultimate strength and durability depend on several factors, including not only the quality and temper of the spring steel, but also the pre-stressing of the material in manufacture. For the best results, some experiment is called for; the springs which have been found satrsfactory are 3/4 in. free length, 5/16 in. outside diameter, by 20 s.w.g., with six complete turns, not including the flattened end turns."
A surprisingly large number of older people at the place that I was trained and worked years ago knew Westbury well and some even counted him as a personal friend . They had come to know him in three separate ways :
Through his collaboration and lifelong friendship with Whittle .
Via studies at Cranwell .
Via Model Engineering .
Whittle was a frequent visitor to my workplace and these visits continued into my time though sadly I never met him . He apparently had great respect for Westbury and often talked happily about his early jet engine days and the help and support that he got from him .
In their earliest days they had built and flown ic engine powered model aircraft where every single part was designed or made by one or other of them .
Whittle was well trained as an Artificer and had I believe a Higher Technical Certificate – not a bad qualifcation to have achieved pre war .
Those people that knew Westbury described him as quiet and reserved in his ways but with an immense wealth of technical and historical knowledge .
I never met Westbury but I did meet Chaddock several times . I would say that as an all round engineer Westbury outclassed Chaddock considerably .
(2) I've never liked the term Great Expert as used so freely in the Model Engineering world . In truth many of the much praised regular contributors to ME have been barely competent and some at least have been complete idiots .
There have been some excellent regular contributors – Westbury , Duplex and a few others over the years . What makes me sad though is that many of the real experts in Model Engineering don't often write articles and are quite unknown to the general public .
One of these unknown experts was the late Eric Grifiths of Bristol . Older members of Bristol SME will remember him as will people who worked in AMD . He was a true Mechanical Engineer who could turn his hand to anything and almost always achieve success .
We got on well and had frequent long talks . Like me his work and hobby had long since merged – professional workplace and home workshop were just extensions of one another !
Perhaps some people that knew him could tell us more about his activities .
In those early days of mine in industry there were lots of people in Engineering companies interested in Model Engineering . The interchange of ideas between model engineering and full size work was sometimes fruitful – I can't tell you specifics but several difficult design problems in Pegasus , Olympus and RB199 engines were solved by Model Engineers in their home workshops !
It was fair exchange – many a large model engine casting was machined in the tool room .
Regards ,
Michael Williams .