valve springs


valve springs

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      First up  I would like to thank Model Engineer for putting in the plans for the Zephyr 

      in the magazine, here in Australia I have only just recieved  the Feb/March issue.


      Now  if I want to make a 4stroke ie, a Westbury type, single cylinder, there is a mass of information on But I cannot seem to find how to make valve springs.

      My question is, what are they made of, how do you coil them, and how long are they, and more importantly how many pounds/kilos pressure do you need, to make them operate properly. I know, It all depends on the engine capacity ???



        David Clark 13
          Hi There
          I can’t help you with the springs but there are a couple of minor errors on the Zephyr plans.
          Errors are (as reported) the piston will not fully uncover the exhaust and transfer ports in the cylinder liner. To correct the error, the con rod should be 1.320in. centers, not 1.375 in. as drawn.

          To avoid excessive clearance in the cylinder head after shortening the con rod, the combustion chamber should be reduced to 0.125in. depth and the spark plug seat should be spot faced 1/16in. deeper to suit the plug.

          The spring steel blade is 1/32in. but is to stiff so 0.018 spring steel should be used.

          Use these modifications but be careful. Double check as you go.
          regards David

            No, they DON’T pay me John, but if you can get a look at No 19 in the Workshop Practice series “Springs and Spring making” it shows how to coil them and some calcs.
               Regards  Ian.
               With a bit of luck, these links may help.

            Edited By Circlip on 20/05/2009 15:16:13

            Edited By Circlip on 20/05/2009 15:18:11

              Just as a “Corrector” Go to page seven or six of the Simplex Build re Buffer springs as the site is dynamic and is updated so the picture may not correspond with the intended link.
                Regards  Ian.

                Hi, I tried the eathlink site, Its excelent, !!! I will have to read it again, slowwwwly, Its full of info.

                Also I can get The Springs and spring making  from The Austalian model engineer, they are located here in Canberra. Australia.

                I was surfing site and came to Colin Ushers site, in it, if you look you can find Alan J Mundays Model engineer utilities, these are fantastic ie, threads, gears, tapers, etc etc plus a calculator for springs, all of these utilities need input then they calculate the printable results.

                Thanks for your help. John Holloway


                  Hello, you will probably have sorted your springs by now but another web site that has numerous software programs for springs and many other engineering things is the Steam Automobile Club of America.
                  Go to resources and links then software for people who build things by Marv Klotz.
                  Apart from springs, programs for cams, valve timing etc.
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