Michael G – yes. I had the drill equivalents table loaded and printed in A2. Guys responding, please, no more on that table please?
But if you look at the photo i uploaded yesterday, you will see this is a totally different chart – it is headed BA & British Threads. full of really useful information about a wide range of threads. The link Neil posted is a table of mm-decimal drill equivalents but, now that I have used it a few weeks, I see it is not all that easy to use for tapping information – in fact it has not much tapping info.
Harold Lewis seems by to think that Nick quoted the issues 134 and 135 as where the tapping table was printed first – In fact he refers Maurice' photos, which as far as I can see are, yet another upload of the DET (drill equivalents table)
So again, does anyone have good scan or copy of the chart I pictured yesterday, the BA & British, that may or may not have been in issues 134 and 135 (Nick didnt show it, Marice does not seem to have in his album
And NO, Nigel I really dont want a partial chart , I want it all in one place – there is no substitute when sorting fasteners or selecting a size – a comprehensive table arranged in order of size is the most useful. If no-one has access to the BA&Brit, I will get the A3 copies I have laminated onto heavy card
Michael B
PS Jason, the current pagefillers being reprinted will be quite a while (months) till the set is complete, not that easy to read, and seem to be in subtables by thread families