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Used machine tools

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  • #150018
    Abdur-rehmaan Seba

      Does any one know any second hand machine and hand tool supplier other than 'Home and workshop' and G&M tools.

      Abdur-rehmaan Seba
        Brian Abbott

          Could try Rotagrip in Birmingham, best to call them with what you need.

          Lee Wood 2
            Jon Gibbs

              Also here…





                Where are you?



                **LINK** (still listing a machine i bought 18 months ago so don't believe their stock list.)

                There are several in the east end of London, several in Nottingham, Leicester, Coventry, a few in different parts of Wales, more in Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool.
                If you search ebay for biggish types of lathe or mill or more industrial type kit like capstan lathes you will find they are normally the type of dealer like G&M. There must be dozens of farm barns full of machines around the country. They like obscure barns as cheap storage with good loading access. Often their store is not near their business address.

                Googling industrial type machines will also bring up a crop of people who don't do ebay, and ebay brings up people who don't do websites. Either can be big or small dealers. Some like G&M also do small tools but some only do 100kg and above.

                Some are big like Istmachinery and some are small one man operations like Premier. But size doesn't govern what they have and its quality either way as it's a matter of what they come accross.


                  Found this last week after a couple of posts had mentioned getting stuff from them. Gold plated clakson collets available at £20 but little else priced.

                  And from another thread today these people may be the original source of machnes you get from a dealer. I found a video for one of my machines put on youtube by them.

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