Nick -Older people generally used to run the taps for some time if they were away from home for a significant period. By older I mean those born well before WW II and much earlier. Drummed into me so I even do that with copper pipes – the lead has been replaced here.
Don't knock Hugh. He has came up with the best way of cooking a duck. People should try it. Brilliant.
One thing I know for sure, use by date is abused to encourage more sales and that has been demonstrated in many areas.
In certain super markets it's possible to buy meat that is still within it's use by date and has partly gone off. Since having that happen a couple of times we now don'y buy meat off them again under any circumstances. We have never had that problem with Liddl but have with a couple of well known names.
I wonder how many people have peeled a potato and noticed a slight green tinge. Advice for pregnant women used to be don't eat them. What goes on with potatoes now is disgusting. They lie around chilled.
My brother lived in a flat over an old style Asian shop for a while. When we visited I used to buy very large packets of herbs and spices that would last us for several years. Now my wife goes through the herb and spices shelves regularly and throws them away as soon as the date is up. We periodically now have to eat something or the other because it's getting near the use by date. My wife loves to have too much in stock like many do.
Then there are the best before dates ……………………………