Posted by Geoff Theasby on 12/08/2017 14:47:05:
Furthermore, I recently acquired an AVO 8, one of my life's ambitions. The difficulty of obtaining the right battery is of no consequence, since any cheap (£5) digital multimeter will be more accurate for testing resistors than the AVO. Surely most people have more than just the one multimeter?
Of course you're quite right as far as resistance measurement is concerned. I have a Fluke 8020A which has done very well over the years (once I got Fluke to replace the poisoned LCD display). It still does very well, I keep it for Sundays! I recently replaced its PP9 battery with a long-life lithium based battery of identical envelope. I also have a little hand-cranked Megger whose Ohms range comes in useful for low resistance measurements.
For an 'every day' meter I also have a sub £5 digital multi-meter that is powered from a sub-AAA 12 volt battery – you don't want to leave those switched on by mistake, those batteries are almost as rare as the AVO 8 15 volt battery. Using that instrument's 200 Ohms range seems to flatten the battery.
Regarding the AVO 8, I just like the idea of maintaining it in the condition in which it left the Avo factory. When I bought it in the 1970s for £37 10s from Watts Radio in the Apple Market, Kingston, they were the pinnacle of desire for radio and electronics hobbyists. A few industry colleagues claimed to be able to get me an AVO 8 much more cheaply but theirs wouldn't have come with a document showing indisputable legal ownership!!! I subsequently found both a leather case and even a spare movement in the Lisle Street emporia.
Off topic but it might help someone: be careful when buying a 'tong' multimeter – the cheaper ones only measure AC current via the tong, not DC current!
Best regards,
Swarf, Mostly!