upgrade subscription having made mistake of buying digital


upgrade subscription having made mistake of buying digital

Home Forums Subscription issues and Digital magazines upgrade subscription having made mistake of buying digital

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  • #222036
    Sam Longley 1

      Yesterday i paid for a digital subscription of model engineer. It has been a disaster.

      I spent 2 hours trying to upload it & finally managed to get the October 2015 issue on my computer. It takes ages to load & is either so small I cannot see it or so large that it is just as unreadable. I tried to get it on my Ipad & gave up after struggling with passwords etc. All I , i get is requests for payment for individual issues & my order number seems invalid

      . Another go tonight & as far as I am concerned i might as well have thrown the money down the drain.

      Is it possible to upgrade to a posted print subscription & dump this digital mess?

      Edited By Sam Longley 1 on 21/01/2016 18:54:29

      Sam Longley 1

          Sam looks like you have not entered your subscription number in your details, I've just logged in as you and its not there.

          If you go to "settings" top left of green bar that will take you to where the 10 digit number can be entered. Make sure you use the same details in settings as you used to subscribe.

          Did you purchase the subscription from MTM, news stand, pocketmags?



          Edited By JasonB on 21/01/2016 19:08:07

          Sam Longley 1

            I get the reply "Activation failed! this code you entered has already been issued


              Sam PM me the 10 digit number and I'll have a look but it may be beyond what I can do anything about.

              Neil Wyatt

                Hello Sam,

                If you are struggling with any aspect of your subscription [please see the details here:


                Bear in mind that they will be able to access & check full details about your account which Jason and I can't.

                That said, it seems that you may be trying to access 'archive copies' with Pocketmags, so the following advice may help you:

                The digital subscription gives you full access to pocketmags versions of all your SUBSCRIPTION issues, which you can download and keep locally. Instructions for accessing your subscription issues can be found by clicking the DIGITAL link on the black bar at the top of this page.

                The October 2015 issue will only be available to you while your subscription is live, through the online archive which uses a different viewer. As Jason says you need to enter your new subs number in your profile and this will them give you access to the ME archive through the MAGAZINES link in the green bar at the top of this page.

                If you need more advice or would still like to change your subscription call Subscriber services who will be able to sort you out (normal office hours):

                Customer Service (UK + Overseas): +44 (0) 1604 828 748

                Please note this is a standard rate UK number NOT a premium rate number.


                Edited By Neil Wyatt on 21/01/2016 20:04:44

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