I plugged my "smart"-meter's display in for the first time yesterday evening. When I saw it first thing this morning, at about 8am, it said I had already used 99p of electricity today!
I thought, where? It is interesting and thought-provoking to survey what our homes get up to…
– Fridge and freezer; both small, under work-top types.
– Broadband Modem, which BT told me I must leave on all the time, apparently for "up-dates". Anyone know about this? I turn the computer off on itself, then at the mains, when not using it.
– The central-heating / hot-water boiler's control unit. When the heating is off the timer is not really doing anything so I wonder if the unit can be switched off until I want hot water (the shower). However, the boiler does have very occasional, curious little coughing and grunting moments so it may need stay "On" for whatever is this (presumably self-testing) routine.
– Oven clock – handy as a clock generally, but not essential. Its main use is as cooking timer.
– Radio / alarm clock in the bedroom.
Of these the fridge and freezer will be the hungry ones, but the rest all add their much smaller pennyworths to the bill.
What else?
– Washing-machine? Off at the socket. Microwave? Ditto.
– 'Phone or caving-lamp charger? No, and never overnight anyway.
– Kitchen and front-room radios? Off at sockets. Their own ON/Off switches seem downstream of the internal p.s.u., announced by the very quiet humming.
– Any lamps left on? No. Also, my home is not so overlooked I need curtains everywhere, so it has to a very dark night indeed for the usual mature-male's 3am return-trip to need lamps, my loo being downstairs. A wind-up camping-lantern by the bed, and a small battery-powered, cupboard-type l.e.d. lamp in the bathroom, serve such purposes. I've also fitted a solar-charged lamp over the stairs. Though sold as a garden-shed luminaire but insufficient for a workshop, it is very effective in that indoor role, its array clipped to the banisters and facing a South-facing window. Or would be if it still worked – must try to repair it. (Is there a round-tuit emoji?)
– Workshop equipment? No – off 13A sockets off including those feeding VFD units. If I forget the 4-way extension-lead hung on the wall, a window in the shed door makes the nocturnal glow of its indicator neon, visible from the bedroom window. In that case I switch off the isolator in the hall.
It is surprising just how much electricity a home is using when you think it isn't; and it is too easy to surround ourselves with needless "standby" modes, small-power chargers left on past "full", and so on!
Yesterday the meter said I had used about £2 of electricity – and I had used no power-tools or machines other than fridge and freezer; and occasionally the electric kettle with sufficient water for purpose (mug-fulls for beverages, one kettle-full for washing-up).
Perhaps the advertisements for "foot motors" will re-appear in ME and MEW ere long!