Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 28/08/2023 21:59:23:
Posted by David Lindquist on 27/08/2023 23:48:16:
Posted by File Handle on 25/08/2023 18:22:58:
Posted by Nigel McBurney 1 on 25/08/2023 12:01:54:
A little bit of a story… Here at Knight Foundry and Machine Shop (Sutter Creek, California)…
Sutter Creek, now that's an interesting historic location!
Is there still Gold in them thar hills? Hope so, I've swapped the wife for a shovel and am on my way!
There's still some gold but it will take a lot more than a shovel to get at it. When I docent at the foundry during tour days I like to tell people that that romantic image of the 49er with his gold pan didn't last very long. It soon took hard rock mining, digging waaay down in the earth, to extract a meaningful amount of gold. And this required an industrial base, foundries and machine shops, to support it. The first foundries came in in the early 1850's, Knight started in the early 1870's.
Even in the early days of the gold rush the real money wasn't in picking up gold nuggets from a stream bed, it was in, for example, selling shovels to those who hoped to do so. Google Sam Brannan, "California's first millionaire."