I'm worried about what this vehicle is for. Always suspicious of Neil's Skunk Works, nothing it what it seems.
Two enormous engines and no room for fuel in the wings. The streamlining and ducted fan mean it's meant to fly in an atmosphere, but the wings are too small to support it efficiently. The rear motor looks suitable for space travel, so perhaps the design is intended to fly in and out of a planet's atmosphere from outer space. However, I don't think the wings would stand up during entry and the massive fan engines would make it very difficult to achieve escape velocity. Must have a different purpose.
As there's no undercarriage, I suspect the beast is designed to look good for the purpose of persuading foolish young pilots to fly it. Only as the canopy is being welded shut do they notice there is only just enough fuel to reach the target and they've "volunteered" for a suicide mission.
The design makes most sense to me if the plane is catapulted off the ground with the pilot sat in a fuselage packed with explosives. At first he cruises with the wing engines at low-level to avoid radar before using them on full power to gain a lot of height. At the top the wings are jettisoned and the rear rocket propels the body in an accelerated power dive straight into the target, bang! It's a Kamikaze.
Rivet counters rule!