Calling all CADish types. The Whirlwind Fighter Project are constructing a full-scale replica of a World War II era twin-engined Westland Whirlwind Fighter-Bomber. This will be as accurate as possible down to rivet and ball nearing level, but for all kinds of reasons will not fly.
The project is in two parts, taking equal amounts of man-hours. The actual metal is being bashed in a shed in darkest Durham, but there is a paralllel CAD project, masterminded in Norway by team member Gunnar Olsen, using Solidworks to create a 100% accurate virtual Whirlwind.
Gunnar is now able to incorporate models made in any other mainstream CAD system, and so is looking for volunteers.
There are two areas where we need assistance – one is in the sheer amount of rendering that needs to be done, and the other is in the production of hundreds of suitable engineering drawings from this data which can then be sent on to Mike Eastman and his engineering team in Durham.The plan is to make this a collaborative effort of anyone with a CAD package who is interested in being given a part or an assembly or two to work on.
We are working from limited sources – photographs, some surviving factory drawings, the 'AP' (essentially the manual) and some scanned surviving parts. We will make everything you need available to you, on the principle that as a project we hold all the remaining sources so there's nothing to say anything produced is wrong. We also have the expertise to 'sanity check' everything that goes into this model.
Please contact Gunnar on – he will be very happy indeed to hear from you.
Whirlwind Fighter Project