I'm slowly progressing with the build of a Stuart Compound – today I was working on the last of the eccentric straps. The main kit is quite old as it is an original Stuart but these eccentrics came from Bridport as I wanted to build it with reversing.
All was going well – i'd bored and grooved for the eccentric when I noticed a small casting flaw – some grey material in the bronze !
As can be seen its in just a bad place !
Weighing up options :-
1. Start again – ruled out !
2. Leave it – it will be OK ?
3 Cut a groove / clean up fit a brass strip slither and soft solder (or comsol)
4 Ditto but silver solder.
Problem is likely to be solder in the groove that will br difficult to remachine out if silver solder as its very narrow and tool will likely dig in and break (0.8mm) – any ways of blocking groove with any pastes etc ?
Any advice greatfull received.