Vic –
Very much post-dating Holtzapffel. The modern, TEE Publishing facscimile of Vol.I of Charles Holtzapffel's 5-volume Turning & Mechanical Manipulation treatise on metalworking, shows the original was published in 1843.
(The later volumes were completed and published by his sons, in the decades after Charles' death; except for the projected Vol.VI; never completed..)
What is clear from those catalogue pages is that Pittler was a very go-ahead company with an eye for the volume-production of high-class metalwork. Their smaller machines, such as your lathe, were perhaps intended for such trades as clock, instrument and armaments making.
BTW _ TEE sell, or sold, Holtzapffel Vols. I – III; and I have copies. Does anyone know if facsimiles of Vols,IV and V were ever published, and if so, are available without selling the house to pay for them?