Right, another pic of the threads, despite being a crappy pic it seems plain enough that the thread is poorly formed.

The die holder is the correct 20mm one, bought at the same time as the die. I must admit that I did think a solid die was odd, but adequate for the one or two uses.

I think firstly I'll try stock slightly undersize at 4.9 and see where that goes. Secondly I'll split the die, nothing to lose really and cheap enough.
Lastly a proper split die from Horley is only a tenner which is certainly less than the time I've wasted this afternoon. Thanks all for the useful info, I'll let you all know in due course how O get on.
Edited By Martin Shaw 1 on 05/09/2022 19:22:38
Edited By Martin Shaw 1 on 05/09/2022 19:23:01