Posted by Michael Gilligan on 26/04/2019 12:39:16:
Posted by Michael Gilligan on 24/04/2019 18:52:29:
Posted by Neil Wyatt on 24/04/2019 17:55:54:
Edit: I should also add that the terms and conditions for digital subscriptions states: " For those MyTime Media titles that include an Online Archive, this uses Flash Player, which is not supported on Kindles. You cannot download any of these issues to PDF to store or reproduce on your computer and any effort to do so will be classified as an infringement on copyright. "
Thus far, I have simply observed this discussion … but that last Edit leaves me bewildered.
Can you please explain why the terms specifically mention Kindles, but not iOS devices ?
< bump >
If there's a prize, my guess is the wording is historic. When Kindles hit the streets, long before ios, they were advertised as good for reading online magazines. Not sure that idea caught on, perhaps because Kindles don't support nasty old Flash, or perhaps because people wanted colour.
Several yonks later Flash is all but obsolete and I've no idea if a modern Kindle could read the magazine. Perhaps a prize should be offered for a form of words that accurately explains what platforms work and which don't. Android? Glad I'm retired!