Delivery is important for any presentation. Don't be the presenter that kills all interest in the subject just by opening their mouth.
The only place for showing every cut on a piece of stock is for the I've just a bought a brand new lathe and have never even seen one before market. Every body else knows it's tedious standing in front of a machine twiddling handles to make a piece of material smaller. Watching somebody else do it is torture, unless there's something important about it – a new tool, better workholding, why using/not using power feed is important etc. Images that aren't clearly lit and in focus don't belong in your video. And put the camera on a rigid stand.
Think about what you're going to say before you even touch the camera. Have a list of the points you want to make so you don't repeat or yourself, ummm and aaah all the time. If your piece is complicated then write a script, and do a voice over. Do a voice over for all your action shots, so you can be understood.
Gimmicks are what make the best most watchable You-tubers. The viewers decide what is a good gimmick, NOT you! And the 45 second montage, with your cousin's granddaughter killing a violin over top, that you put at the start of each film? Delete it, along with the lists of your subscribers, donors and begging requests for new ones.