Two small vices-Cannot find any info on them


Two small vices-Cannot find any info on them

Home Forums Beginners questions Two small vices-Cannot find any info on them

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    Chris Mate

      Hi, I bought two small vices I stumbled accidently on resting surface rusted in a cutlery cabinet corner. I walked past them for about a year no paying attention to this cabinet.
      I cleaned them up and painted blue. I used the smaller one the most on my small drillpress. I used the larger one the other day on the mill and really liked it for small jobs. It clamed well.

      Both seems good condition not very much used looking at the threads.
      Not acme threads.

      -The larger one is heavy for its size, jaws 70mm wide. I fitted the larger on on an old X/Y vice I scrapped, remilled the surfaces and bolted it to that to make it higher from the mill table.

      -The smaller one is 65mm wide jaws.

      -I Googled for a few days but could not find any info on them, maybe somebody recognise the type.

      Photos added:

      Chris Mate

        Looking for info

        Chris Mate

          It seems I cannot insert the images, or forgot how to do it.



          Edited By Chris Mate on 13/11/2022 08:55:57

          Michael Gilligan
            Posted by Chris Mate on 13/11/2022 08:54:52:

            It seems I cannot insert the images, or forgot how to do it.



            Select the camera icon on the top row of this pane, and follow your nose






            Edited By Michael Gilligan on 13/11/2022 09:24:25

            Clive Foster


              Use the camera icon to insert selected photos from your album. No worries about forgetting how. (Was about 4 or 5 forgets before I got it to stick!)

              Vices look to be versions of the common Far Eastern imported ones intended for use on drill presses. Numerous very similar versions came in over the last 40 – 50 odd years from dozens of firms ranging from well known names like Machine Mart to ephemeral mail order outfits that maybe sold a large box or two.

              Yours look to be among the better made ones of the breed. Regrettably quality ranged almost randomly from quite decent to almost doorstop.

              The tilting one is the best example I've seen. The removable base is unusual and overall it has an air of low end industrial quality.

              As is well known most of this affordable imported equipment was inspired by (aka copied from) Western equipment, state sponsored in the Chinese case with drawings issued to numerous producers.

              That tilting vice looks good enough to have been a Western original from which the copy was taken but, so far as I know, no Western firm offered that style. As I recall it Nu-Tool were better than most for vice quality, certainly my big cross vice is about the best example of the breed albeit still imperfect, so maybe one of theirs.


              PS Michael beat me, again!


              Edited By Clive Foster on 13/11/2022 09:27:24


                Bill Davies 2

                  Chris, I think the large vice is home made. It looks like it is made from solid machined blocks rather than castings (no cast chamfered or rounded edges), as the lower base does.

                  The smaller vice looks like it may have been made from a kit of castings. In both cases, the fine thread suggests a non-commercial product, although G-clamps that I bought recently are V-threads; older ones of the same brand are square threads. However, brands get bought or taken over so regularly, that they have less meaning these days.


                  Chris Mate

                    Ok, I dont know why I did not see the insert option page clicking on the camera, I see it now.
                    Thanks for info.

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