Hi Everyone,
I,d like to throw in my tuppence worth to this post. When I bought my lathe,I bought a set of turning tools with it [the cheap 5-in-a-box three sided type ] I also bought some HSS blanks and some tipped threading tools. So far,so good,but it was not long before my tipped tools bit the dust,due to my not too gentle touch. Since they are not cheap to replace,I had to begin a crash course in tool grinding using my blanks. I have never gone back to the tipped ones,in fact,I still have a few,never out of the box..I have a simple bench grinder,not a top-of-the-range one,fitted with with a fairly good home made rest and that,s all I use. For grinding threading tools I do use a guide,just a strip of flat clamped to the table at the angle required,nothing fancy,but it works.
HSS is cheap enough and even if you chip it,as I do,it,s easy enough to regrind,unlike tipped ones. I find that it can handle almost everything I come across. I dont claim that my efforts are in the same class as the above,far from it !,but they give me food for thought. I never thought of grinding internal threading tools from one piece,as above. There is no doubt they are a beautiful job and well made.
Perhaps it is time for me to do an "Advanced Course" in tool grinding ??. I find form tools the most difficult to get right,small ones mostly,but then I dont need those very often.
As they say,at this point "Back to the grindstone"