In the thread BSF vs BSB threads I said "I can't give the reference off the top of my head, but one of my early 20th century metalworking books gives details of turning steel by hand, with very long handled tools. I'll see if I can find it. "
Well, I've found it and here it is. I think it's of general interest,so I've started it in a new thread to make it easier to find.
The book is The New Practical Metalworker, edited by Bernard E. Jones, published by Waverley in 3 volumes. It's not dated, but I have found a reference to a patent of February 1938 in it, so it must be later than that. It confirms that brass turners could produce accurate threads without a leadscrew.

George B.
Edited By Georgineer on 28/01/2021 15:52:13