As Wednesday is shed night and curiosity had got the better of me I thought I would see if the machining sequence I posted earlier would work, nothing too exact but enough to prove the method also as Andrew had got me thinking about how a form tool would work on stainless decided to use that rather than easy brass.
Took a 4mm Sq HSS tool blank and tickled the end with a Dremel chain saw grinding bit and offered up the shank of a 5mm drill to eyeball the profile, not top rake.
Put a bit of 5mm 303 stainless in the 3-jaw as that was on the lathe, turned the 1.6mm dia spigot and then went straight in with the form tool, dry, about 300rpm, mounted at a slight angle means no side clearance needed and the profile was a bit wonky anyway so best not mounted at right angles.
Threaded the end and then over to the mill to drill and tap M2, should have spent a bit more time centering up and spotted deeper as drill wandered a bit but it will do for this purpose.
back in the lathe and used a parting tool to form the other 1.6mm dia and then parted off, took a bit off the side of the ball but hay ho.
held in an ER block to thread the other side
Job done but I did resort to R/H threads both sides as I don't have a L/H M1.6 die. Easy to thread and tap, easy to form the ball. If it were a paying job a bit more time getting the form tool right, drilling centrally and using correct threads and they could be made quite easily.