Turbo CAD offer


Turbo CAD offer

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    Steve Neighbour
      Steve Neighbour

        For those that may be interested, there is a offer for Turbo CAD software at a nice 20% discount on this site


        (I would add that I hove no afiliation to this site or the pruducts offered)


          If you are considering purchasing TurboCad always worth giving Paul Tracey a call or contacting him via email for prices. He used to advertise on this site but seems to have stopped doing-so.



          Bruno Taylor


            I bought Turbo CAD from Paul at the 2019 Ally Pally exhibition as an alternative to Drafgsight which was locked as l paid in 2017 but wanted to revert to free. Just couldn't fully uninstall the paid-for licence.

            Anyway l plodded on with learning Turbo CAD with considerable help from Paul. Sent my first file off for laser cutting. Returned no-can-do. The curves were apparently a series of straights and not a true arc.

            Gave up and returned to Drafrsight even though no longer free.

            Another concern was that Turbo CAD appeared to be based on architectural needs rather than engineering so had some funnies.

            The problem may have been surmountable but l got the feeling you got your £20 worth, just.


              I'm running TC D/L 2016 – purchased from Paul 2-3 years ago for a reasonable price (much less than this "deal" )

              I'd been running an older TC version (v9) but then Win 10 came along and although the v9 CAD side still worked OK – I was getting "file load errors" – although the CAD files were still loading fine. The error messages were annoying though.

              As far as I know, my .DXF CAD files have been used for laser cutting without any issues. However, I am aware that there can be issues if you 'group' and then 'explode' (e.g. un-group) some items and this has caused issues in the past. It's one of those things that you just need to be aware of and careful with.

              I'm sure other CAD programmes have their own particular 'features' too.

              So if you want to use TC – then look at Pauls YouTubes and I'm sure he can do you a great deal on price too…




              Edited By IanT on 16/02/2020 18:24:09

              John Baron

                Hi Guys,

                If you only want 2D then download the free Qcad from


                Go to downloads and choose the version for your operating system.

                It is what I use and have for quite some time. It can output drawings in DXF, PDF or JPG among others. There is also a version that does Gcode as well.

                Steve Neighbour

                  Thanks for all the comments, I guess at the end of the day it is 'horses for courses' on which system you use (or decide to get)

                  I have used AutoCAD for some time for work, but this is generally way beyond the pocket of the 'home user' . . but I have found that TC does seem to emulate a lot of the UI deployed in AutoCAD, so the learning curve has (so far) been not too steep.

                  I manged to get TC Designer 2019 for only £38 in the end, so a reasonible dicount, I have subsequently 'upgraded' this to TC 2019 Deluxe, this is the full 3D version, in addition to the conventional 3D capability it has a lot of other functionality that the 2D version lacks.

                  I did this through the U.S site, so paid a discounted price in dollars, and could then take advantage of a fair exchange rate giving more discount

                  So the total cost to me has been just under £100 for the TC Deluxe which is widely advertised on UK sites for around 50% more.

                  But I fully appreciate it's not a CAD program that suits everyones needs.

                  Kind regards,

                  Steve N

                  Neil Wyatt

                    I used TC Deluxe for a long time.

                    The main issue I had with it is no parametric history in the 'hobby' versions.

                    That's the must useful part of Alibre for me.


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