Looking for an 8BA tap, I noticed that the only two I have are both broken with the end touched up. That's odd I thought the hole looks rather small. Checked and, yes number 50 is the drill Tubal Cain recommends in his Model Engineer's Handbook.
It seemed to be rather tight, even in CI, even allowing for the re-worked end of the tap. looked closely at the table – why is there a much smaller gap between tapping drills for 8 and 9 BA than 7 and 8?
Just looked in the Handbook and the size he recommends for 8BA is Number 50 or 1.85mm.
But 1.85mm is number 49, number 50 is 1.78mm. Only 4% smaller, but presumably enough to explain why I break more 8BA taps than any other size
So, never take anything for granted, even when it comes from the top!
Hopefully the last seven 8BA holes will tap a bit easier.