Trying to renew my subscription – unsuccesfully


Trying to renew my subscription – unsuccesfully

Home Forums Subscription issues and Digital magazines Trying to renew my subscription – unsuccesfully

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      I usually renew my subscriptions to both ME and MEW as soon as I receive the renewal letter, so as not to forget.

      However, this year the MEW reminder letter arrived within days of the Mortons takeover so I decided to wait a few weeks to let the dust settle before renewing, and of course, promptly forgot.

      Today, I received another reminder letter informing me that I only had one issue left before my subscription expires.

      WIshing to renew I typed in the online renewal web address as shown on the letter  this redirected to  displaying the message:

      "Subscriptions and back issues are currently unavailable for Model Engineer Magazine."

      Undeterred I clicked on the subscribe button at the top of this website, which took me to the subscription page

      I clicked on the subscribe button which unfortunately redirected me straight back to the website with the same message.

      I guess that can't be too reassuring to new potential subscribers, and of course, how do existing subscribers such as myself, who just want to renew for another year do so?



      Edited By clivel on 25/05/2022 00:32:06

        Michael Gilligan

          dont know

          I hope they will manage the Direct Debit subscriptions “seamlessly”



            Would have hoped the new system could have been got up and running before closing down the old one but I suppose there may need to be a cut off date to allow all subs to be processed on the old system before making the new one live.

            I've asked Neil to look into it with a copy to my only contact at Mortons.

            Neil Wyatt

              The system is being transferred across from MTM to Mortons this week.

              The new system should be in place on Monday. I have links, but have been asked not to share them until it's confirmed that the system is working correctly.

              Any subscribers who need to take action will be contacted, hopefully thsi will be relatively few.


                Posted by clivel on 25/05/2022 00:29:30:

                However, this year the MEW reminder letter arrived within days of the Mortons takeover so I decided to wait a few weeks to let the dust settle before renewing…


                Impossible to second guess when services will be migrated during a transfer of ownership. Customers have no idea when the dust storm starts, how serious it will be, or how long it will last.

                With hindsight, having received a renewal notice from the old system, the best tactic was to renew immediately, before the transfer started, and while the old system was still operational. Waiting for the dust to settle meant Clive's renewal arrived at the worst possible time – just after the old system closed and just before the new one is ready.

                I sympathise – had a bad experience renewing a magazine myself once. After falling into the same gap as Clive, the new system recognised me as an ex-customer (and sent me new subscription offers), but wouldn't let me renew or start again. As no-one knew how to fix it I went off in a huff! A few years later I resubscribed with no problem whatever. Hope your problem is sorted out pronto!



                Robert Viau

                  'Tis a shame that I can't renew my digital subscriptions. Renewing either subscription has never been simple or easy. I'm used to the usual renewal dance of having to submit the new number several times, get frustrated, and finally email to have the subscription updated. Not even having a link to renew digital subscriptions is a new wrinkle.


                    The new links have been in place for a couple of days, I've not actually tried to subscribe using them but worth a try as they should be active by now. EDIT I think it is still a work in progress but should be live soon.

                    This is what now comes up is for click the "subscribe now" at the top of the page and then the red box for either MEW or ME, you will then see a renew tab towards the bottom..

                    Edited By JasonB on 02/06/2022 06:58:28

                    Neil Wyatt

                      As I expected it took a little longer, but the new links for subscription and support are:

                      Web –

                      Call – 01507 529 529

                      Email –

                      New subscription pages are at:

                      Model Engineers’ Workshop: **LINK**

                      Model Boats: **LINK**

                      Model Engineer: **LINK**

                      RCM&E: **LINK**


                        But you still can't renew as it says subscription number invalid when pasted from hereangry 2

                        Edited By JasonB on 02/06/2022 17:18:03

                          Posted by JasonB on 02/06/2022 17:17:11:

                          But you still can't renew as it says subscription number invalid when pasted from hereangry 2

                          Edited By JasonB on 02/06/2022 17:18:03

                          or copied from the subscription renewal letter, I get the message: "Invalid customer ID or customer ID doesn't match surname"devil



                            Oh, and I just noticed that one also has the option of signing in using an email address and password.

                            Unfortunately, it didn't recognise my email address even when I tried to reset my password.

                            It is not that hard to test a system before foisting it on the unsuspecting public, this is disappointing!


                            Robert Viau

                              Neil, thank you for the links but they still only seem to offer 'print' subscriptions. I have looked around the new vendors website for digital subscriptions unsuccessfully. If you have links for *digital* subs I would be extremely happy.


                                Clivel, I also tried the e-mail and password option but it won't take either the forum or the old subscription account ones. You can register but it then just comes up that you don't have any subscriptions.


                                  I eventually manage to contact someone at Mortons/Classic Magazines. It turns out that subscribers have been allocated new customer IDs that allow them to log in and manage their subscriptions.

                                  They have now sent me mine and I am now able to renew MEW. It really should not have been so hard or taken so much effort, I should not have had to drag this information out of them – this does not bode well for the future.



                                    Do you know when new (or if) digital subscriptions (with access to archive) are going to be available?

                                    (I know you can do it through PocketMags, but you don’t get access to the archive)


                                    Russell Eberhardt

                                      I telephoned them from France yesterday and was told that they can renew MEW subscriptions for the print version but do not have the software running yet for print + digital which I want to renew. They suggested that I phone back in seven to ten days.


                                      Neil Wyatt

                                        I'm awaiting an update on where they are.

                                        Unfortunately it's a big job to transfer everything over, and it needs to be done carefully.

                                        Ultimately it's better we have some delays than errors in subs information.



                                          Last week I ordered via isubscribe £11.75 per quarter.

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