Posted by Nige on 06/08/2017 09:05:14:
I will browse Model Engineer in Tescos this morning and see how diverse the content is
Much as I like to look at steam driven models I wouldn't want a magazine that does nothing else
and I'm hoping ME would be quite varied ?
Edited By Nige on 06/08/2017 09:06:28
I wouldn't judge ME (or any other magazine) on the contents of a single copy. They vary quite a lot between issues.
I'm not particularly interested in Model making as such. Even so I find ME valuable as a source of information. The adverts inform on what's available and where you can buy it and how much it will cost. It will tell you about clubs and events. More interest is likely to be found in the Editorial and Letters Page. Even though I rarely make anything in an ME article I always read them carefully. Much is to be learned from studying the drawings and photographs. The text will often describe 'ways and means'. The articles are also an insight into 'the art of the possible', which is particularly helpful to the beginner. I find the magazine entertaining too. The club listings used to be deadly dull and I never go anyway, but I read them just because Geoff Theasby makes me laugh.
In terms of content, MEW is closer to my hobby activities. I'm much more likely to make something described in MEW than ME. In the nature of things some issues are more interesting than others. It's not because the quality varies, rather it's because I'm not interested in everything. But, like ME, I buy MEW for information and education. After reading both magazines for a few years, I can confirm that the beginner fog I used to blunder about in has been much reduced!
I don't take Engineering in Miniature regularly. Partly because it seems to me to be very focussed on steam models, but also because ME and MEW keep me satiated. I recommend both.