Some comments from a (very much) novice scraper. These are worth what you paid for them!
Getting the muscle memory to scrape is relatively quick. Knowing where to scrape and how much is the hard bit.
1. I'd recommend a lot of practice before touching a valuable machine tool.
The key being that you want to take off the absolute minimum amount of material that gets the alignment and then the quality of the bearing surfaces back into specification.
So far taking the minimum is what I have found to be the real challenge. Until I can be confident of that I am simply working on small projects.
2. Use carbide. HSS goes blunt quickly.
3. try and find someone who knows what they are doing to mentor you or go on a course or both.
4. You need to make a plan with the objectives clear before you start. This would include:
A) Final Tolerances.(from a thread on practicalmachinist.com from experts)
for scraping and alignment e.g. 0.0002" per 12". with 12-20PPI (points per inch) with 50% contact. For a higher specification e.g. a surface plate, straight edge etc 0.00005 per 12" 30-40 PPI with 50% contact.
for scraping for squareness. You actually want to scrape it so that it first wears in rather than wears out. I have an Elliot 10m that is on the list to scrape.
It would be wonderful if someone could educate us on the appropriate squareness and/or Schlesinger limits for a shaper .
B) Current tolerances
e.g. what parts of the machine are worn and to what extent. You need to know exactly where you are starting from. One way to find this out is to breakdown the whole machine clean it thoroughly and then reassemble.
You will then be able to know precisely where you are starting from. Also it is often the case that there are machined none bearing surfaces on the castings. You can use these as the reference since they have no wear to check for squareness on the worn bearing surfaces.
5. See point 1. Start small.
Despite my own "big" (quite possibly insane) plans to scrape my 10m and my bridgeport mill ways. I quickly realised the scale of the task. So I bought an old "sacrificial" 12"x18" cast iron surface plate from a dealer. My target was to get 20 point per inch with 50% contact. It is not easy.
Next I will try and get to 40 PPI. With a bit of luck I'll turn my £10 plate into a useful precision tool. Next I have a nice big Bridgeport right angle plate for the mill table (that came with the mill) with a few dinks in to do.
6. Do research
There are a few nice resources on the net.
http://www.machinerepair.com both the book and video are very good.
the practicalmachinist.com website is a gold mine.
You can get a 2 disc DVD "Scraping For Alignment Metalworking machinery" (host Mike Stets) from ebay.com. It is based around a Bridgeport mill. But it does have a lot of simple explanations on how to check for alignment and squareness using simple tools.
youtube has lots of nice scraping videos.
7. You'll need some tools. Surface plates, straight edges, squares etc etc. These are not cheap. It might be cheaper to get it done professionally, and it will be a lot quicker, and you'll be back making your models (or whatever it is you make).