Little known fact:
CAD is a religion.
It’s on a par with politics, religion and women, you never discuss or criticise them in public.
It’s no good suggesting to someone who has 10 years of using a program and 15,174 legacy drawing to change to this because “I like it ” Not going to happen.
Also different people have different uses for CAD some want perfect scale drawing with every detail perfect, all the hexagons on the nuts lie east to west etc. Some are happy with a shape to follow in the workshop. Often some of mine don’t even resemble the part but instead show the path a tool has to follow on the CNC.
People draw differently, the older and more experience of manual drawing the harder it is to take CAD aboard.
One year I stood in for our local college lecturer who had to have an operation. No problem he says, all the course work is done I teach the same thing over and over each year.
So Day One approaches and all this people of various sizes, sexes and colours enter.
Now CAD drawing to follow the books is all taken from a co-ordinate point 0,0 which is usually bottom left so all the dimensions are positive.
All dimensions and entities [ big word but it just means all lines, circles, tea stains and anything else on the drawing ] are then positive.
This is called “Drawing in Absolute mode” and is the standard way. Into second week and all the young sprogs are well away, no problems. The older guys have this glazed look. That night after the lesson in the local boozer I asked 3 or 4 of them what experience they had of CAD and drawing in general, Answer, as I expected was no CAD experience and a bit of drawing board work.
Now think about how you draw on a drawing board, you stuff a horizontal line on and a vertical line and then all your construction lines are set out from these two lines.
In CAD this is called Offsetting but it also differentiates between they two types. First type from 0,0 point is called absolute, second type where each line is offset from it’s mate is called Relative.
Standard practice is to teach in Absolute but the Jerry Hat Trick guys only know Relative.
So week 3 and I sort out who’s expecting to work like manual drawing and who’s happy with Absolute and split them up. After that it went great, one guy even came up and said it was his 3rd year at the same course and now he was learning and could understand how to do it.
When Paul came back from his operation he wasn’t best pleased and insisted every one learn BS standard Absolute. Bottom line is though that more people were happy with the way they were working than before and they were getting more done.
So if 2D crap-O-cad suits by all means use it, at the end of the day it’s all down to personal choice.
John S.