I need to remove an HSS 8BA tap from a bronze fitting in the Bankhead of a 5" gauge loco boiler. A week of "alum" treatment hasn't done much, but its been done cold as I can't see a way of getting the boiler hot and the alum solution around the broken tap without the use of plastercine to make a wall around the tapped hole.
Spark erosion is out of the question as I don't have any contacts for that and professional help too expensive. The precision required for a 8BA tap removal dictated that I wouldn't build a home made setup. (I suppose precision isn't important if I was prepared to go along with plugging the hole and re-tapping !!)
Next idea is to make a trepanning tool that would leave enough metal to be able to tap the finished hole 2BA, remove the broken tap, make a 2BA plug and then re-tap 8BA. The trepanning tool would be 0.140" diameter with an internal diameter of 0.086" – giving 0.027" wall thickness. The depth of the trepanning needs to be 0.25". The tool would be made of hardened silver steel.
The boiler is too big to get under the head of my milling machine, but could possibly mount onto the saddle of the Boxford lathe. A guide plate could be mounted onto the existing fitting to guide the trepanning tool.
Anyone had experience of very small trepanning tools ??
As an alternative, I could remove the fitting altogether by boring it out on the lathe, but that would not be an easy option either. Removing by heat would mean that the complete backhead would have to be brought up to silver solder melting temp. If mechanically removed, a lower temp silver solder could be used to re-set a new fitting.