Transferring fluids


Transferring fluids

Home Forums Beginners questions Transferring fluids

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  • #752066
    Paul McDonough

      More of an observation than a question really, I get through quite a bit of WD40 and buy it in 5 Litre containers transferring it to smaller bottles to spray, squirt or drip on to work.

      The issue is that pouring from the bigger container to the smaller ones results in WD40 getting all over the place. (I know I should be more careful.)

      So I tried to use a large syringe with a tube on the end, I’d used this to transfer nitro methane fuel for my models with no issues, but one use with WD40 and the thing seized then a few days later the rubber bung had Swollen and fell off the plunger. Ouch sounds like a serious medical condition.

      As a result i thought I’d buy a device specifically designed to transfer auto fluids, a syringe like thing but much bigger! This seems to use O-ring seals running in a poly polypropylene tube, on inspection it appears the o-rings are lubed with clear grease, silicone perhaps. Anyway trying it with iso 32 hydraulic oil seemed ok but one go with WD40 and it wouldn’t budge again, requiring a strip down, clean and re grease of my new gadget. :0(

      What is it about WD40? I believe it makes the seals swell.

      Any ideas on how to dispense the stuff without getting it everywhere would be appreciated. Yes I have a small funnel and I have lost count of the number of times I’ve knocked the bottle with funnel over losing most of the liquid I’d transferred to the point where it might be cheaper to buy big WD40 aerosol cans in bulk!!!


        Use a peristaltic or diaphragm pump. The diaphragm pump would use check valves for inlet and outlet but could easily be metallic. Alternative would be to use seals suitable for WD40, a seal specialist could make recommendations based on its chemical constituents.

        Peter Cook 6

          How about a cheap – all plastic – syphon pump. <£10 from various sources. No pistons, just a couple of plastic flap valves.

          Nick Wheeler

            Why not use a funnel?

            Paul McDonough

              I have seen the cheap battery syphon pumps and I did wonder if a diaphragm fuel pump would do it? Massive over complication mind!


                I would not go with a peristatic pump unless you change the tube from the usual silicon to one that can resist hydrocarbons. That is what is in the WD40 that can make silicon and rubber swell much the same teason you use the yellow Tygon tube for model engines running on petrol not the usual silicon.

                Also check what any diaphram is made from.

                Trick us to pour with the handle at the bottom so the spout is more horizontal before it starts to flowthen you don’t get it running back down the 5lts container. You can also buy pouring lips and spouts to fit 5lts containers which makes clean pouring easier.

                bernard towers

                  Surely it cant be that difficult?

                  Nicholas Farr

                    Hi, +1 for JasonB’s method of poring 5lt containers.

                    Regards Nick.

                    Maurice Taylor


                      Clamp the bottle in the vice, if vice not big enough, put bottle between bricks.Use funnel.


                      Paul McDonough

                        Pouring lips for 5 litre containers, that’s what I need thank you @jasonB


                          On JasonB Said:

                          Trick us to pour with the handle at the bottom

                          I would express it as “ensure the spout is at the top” for any container, eg petrol can.
                          I guess I learned this at 10yrs old filling the lawnmower but the greenies and townies with no lawns or electric mowers won’t have had such practical life training.

                          Assuming the bulk container has a screw top and you have emptied one that should give you a spare screw on lid. Put two holes in it, use plumbing fittings (or if small check the various fittings available for model aircraft fuel tanks) to attach tubes. Inside one long tube reaches the bottom, the other needs no inside tube. Now pressurised air from any suitable source to the no-inside-tube port will start the syphon working.

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