There is also
this 3″ K5 being built by one of the Black Country Live steamers.
You could also ask on
Tractiontalk Forum a couple of the Black country boys post on their and there is another member planning to do a pair of 6″ Z7 engine once he’s finished the four 4″ B6’s hes working on now.
Or if you are feeling adventurous and fancy something different take a basic 3″ Fowler A7 from MJ add compound cylinders, road loco wheels & gearing and you will have a Fowler
Farmers Engine, add springing and you could do one of the Russian engines. This would give you a ploughing engine that would be a lot more use on the rally field, quite fancy the idea myself.
Edited By JasonB on 11/10/2010 18:41:14
Edited By JasonB on 11/10/2010 18:46:36