A long time ago I wrote a BBC basic program to control a solar panel with stepper motors. It worked by moving the panel every hour the required number of degrees in altitude and azimuth, using the computers internal clock and referencing off a small data table of the sun's position.
One of my long term projects is to do the same thing using a Raspberry Pi and Python, along with a gps receiver (to give me the current date and time). So far I've managed to get the Pi to read the data string from the gps, but I have a couple of problems:
First I'm really struggling with Python as it seems very unintuitive compared with BBC BASIC, for example I have no idea how to extract the time data and use it as a set of variables eg Let H = (the hours bit of the time string) and Let M = (the minutes bit of the time string).
Second, where can I get a table of date/time vs sun's position? I remember seeing a post not so long ago which referred to a program called something like Planetarium, but I think it was a Windows thing, so not much use for what I need.
I know this is a long shot, and not model engineering, but maybe some of you astronomist guys can give me a pointer or two. Thanks.
Edited By Steve Pavey on 06/11/2015 10:18:07