Historically sash weights were cast out of what what left of a melt to make the most money from it.
Because of this quality varies from batch to batch and start of the pour to end of the pour there is no way on knowing with a bare weight what the quality is.
Many people come up with various methods to work these but it only works if you have a decent sash weight to start with.
Years ago when we owned a truck garage we used to work for virtually all the scrap metal dealers in the Nottingham area because they were that interbred, lets face it they are only one generation away from horse dealers, hat once you were in with one family you were into all their relations.
This relationship did me well whilst I had a workshop at home and some of these guys who are still alive are still good personal friends although only a couple are still in the game.
Sash weights split into two distinct types, the good stuff made of soft grey iron from what is left of the good pour and the harder shiny crystalline type formed from the dross and left overs, The first type is called Ductile Iron, he latter is called Hardaswitchestits Iron.
To check which type you have place one end on a block of wood say 2 x 2, throw a rag over the lot to stop anything flying and smack it in the middle with a big hammer so it snaps in two. Now examine the break.
If it's a dull grey smooth break you have a good weight, if it shows any shiny patches or crystalline patches then throw this at next doors cat, it's just not worth the time, expense and effort to do anything with.
Long – short, there are good and bad. Save the good scrap the bad.